Monday, September 15, 2008

John Frusciante, Flea, & Omar Rodriguez-Lopez - GT Graphics, Los Angeles, CA, 10/16/2004

this is a very cool multiple angle audience video. it's crystal clear. the performance is great as expected.
John Frusciante, Flea, & Omar Rodriguez
GT Graphics,
Los Angeles, CA

Recorded, Produced & Edited by: noizEwater & noir dueil
Source: Unknown Video Recording Equipment > Video Master > Unknown Transfer > DVD > DVD Decrypter > .VOB

Setlist (18:37):

Jam 1
Jam 2

Notes: NTSC format with multiple angles.....this is not an acoustic performance. It's tough to say how much of this performance is improvised, as alot of the changes seem obviously rehearsed. At the same time, there are mistakes and moments of spontaneity that are easily recognisable and as a musician, very fun to watch. If you're a fan of any of these guys, or just good music in general, I highly recommend checking this out. Watch, judge for yourself, and enjoy.



Anonymous said...

I completely agree - this performance is totally fun.

The videos are on youtube in two parts (split awkwardly, but whatever).

The two parts are presented together for streaming on

Anonymous said...

You can find lots of John Frusciante stuff in perfect lossless FLAC quality in my blog: FLAC for the masses